How to Make a Habit of Decluttering Your Home

Every time our eyes fall on a piece of clutter, our brains have to decide what to do with this information. If your paper clutter is piling up and your bathroom vanity has too.much.stuff, there’s a better way!

Is there a drawer or a closet giving you anxiety just thinking about it? Then you need a system for getting rid of stuff more than once per year during spring cleaning time.

 1-Minute Rule
How to Make a Habit of Decluttering Your Home | Carpe Diem Cleaning

Happiness expert Gretchen Rubin’s number one rule is if you can do something in 1 minute, do it now!

We all have tons of paper clutter coming into our house each day which piles up and distracts us from more important matters. If we ignore the clutter, we can forget to do something important like paying a doctor’s bill or miss a wedding invitation.

This rule can be so helpful in dealing with paper clutter such as kids’ school papers and mail. If you make a habit of decluttering, you will also clear up mental space, which we could all use more of!

Implement the 1 In, 1 Out Rule

This one is so simple but not always easy. If you need help figuring out what to keep and what to get rid of on a regular basis, go back and re-read our summary of Marie Kondo’s book.

The basic concept of the One In, One Out Rule is that we already have enough stuff in our homes and can get rid of one item when a new item comes into our home. If you go shopping for a new pair of shorts, replace a pair on its last leg or donate a pair you don’t wear and love. If you buy a new tchotchke for your living room, remove one tchotchke, and let the things you have shine!

How to Make a Habit of Decluttering Your Home | Carpe Diem Cleaning Make Space for Donations

Do you hold an annual yard sale? Put a box in the garage or a spare closet where your yard sale items belong. This will make preparing for your yard sale much easier!

Do you consign or donate clothes or household items? Reserve a space in your trunk for gently used items so you can drop them off when you’re out and about town!

How to Declutter Around Holidays and Birthdays

Holidays and birthdays are busy times for moms! First decide if it’s going to be easier to declutter your home before the gift-giving event or after the event. When your child has a birthday, you can go through their toys and clothes with or without them (depending on their age) and decide what to keep, donate and toss.

Are you too busy and stressed planning a birthday party to worry about decluttering on top of everything else? Then save it until after the event. Does the thought of having too many clothes and toys in your child’s closet give you anxiety? Taking as little as 15 minutes to set aside items they no longer use can free up more space than you’d expect!

Triggers for your New HabitHow to Make a Habit of Decluttering Your Home | Carpe Diem Cleaning

Every habit needs a trigger in order for it to stick for the long haul. Think about which systems keep you on track with your current home habits. Then think about pairing this decluttering habit with the habits that serve you best.

Do you already change your fans and filters with the time change? Schedule decluttering time on the same day when you change your fans and filters!

Do you stay on task easier when your phone tells you what to do? Set a calendar reminder to alert you quarterly or around the holidays or other family celebrations. Then block off 1 to 2 hours of time to declutter your home when it’s convenient for you.

If you can stay on top of clutter, this one habit will make your family life more peaceful. Cleared off surfaces make it SO much easier for Carpe Diem to give your house the deepest clean! Decluttering surface items is our cleaners’ number 1 tip included in their anniversary interviews month after month.

Ready to get a back-to-school cleaning routine up and running? Give us a call at 919-68-CLEAN to clean your house in Durham! Come home from a busy day of work and running your kids around town to a clean house.