The Importance of Removing Pet Hair Effectively

dog sitting next to vacuum with words "The Importance of Removing Pet Hair Effectively"


Do you have a pet who you love SO MUCH but who just won’t stop shedding?  Do you want to keep your home free from pet hair but don’t know where to start?  Pet hair from our furry friends can cause allergies, clog up air vents and just keep you from enjoying your home to its fullest potential!  Today we’ll give you solutions for removing pet hair effectively.

Importance of Removing Pet Hair

Air FilterDo you have family members who struggle with allergies?  Allergies can reveal themselves in many forms, from tiredness to itchy and runny eyes and noses to skin irritations and even anaphylactic shock.  Pet dander can cause allergies which can be less severe but still frustrating.  No one wants to be sneezing or rubbing their eyes constantly in their own home.

One way to keep allergies at bay with a pet is to change air filters regularly as pet hair can clog up air vents.  When your vents aren’t circulating air properly, you will have less efficient air flow and more pet dander floating around!

How to Prevent Pet Hair in Your Home

Let’s be honest. Pet hair is annoying, gets everywhere, and sometimes you just want to sit on your couch without being covered in fur!  The best way to keep your pets from shedding all over your house is to brush their fur regularly, especially outside!  For most pets, this means brushing their fur once per week in a normal week and three to four times per week during changes in seasons when they’re shedding heavily.  Not only will this help to keep hair at a minimum in your home, it will also keep your pet healthier as brushing distributes healthy oils from their skin onto their fur and will prevent their fur from matting.

Also, make sure that your pet is eating healthy food that will keep his/her fur in better shape…and less likely to shed.  Check with your vet for more specific grooming instructions for your fur baby!

Ways to Remove Pet Hair

Amazing Sh-mop

Unfortunately, any animal covered in fur is still going to shed, even if it’s well-groomed.  Here are a few ways to remove pet hair without clogging your vacuum cleaner!

  • Squeegee: Use a squeegee to remove it from upholstery in your home or car. Firmly press the squeegee down as you pull it toward you, and watch in amazement with how much fur it gathers!
  • Dryer Sheet: Attach a dryer sheet to your Swiffer (or use the amazing Sh-Mop!) to pick up pet hair from the floor without having to sweep.
  • Vacuuming: Use a high-quality vacuum with a pet hair attachment designed to lift pet hair from carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces. This can make a significant difference in maintaining cleanliness.
  • Lint Rollers and Sticky Tape: These are great for easily removing pet hair from clothing, furniture, and bedding. Keep them handy around the house for quick touch-ups.
  • Regular Grooming: Grooming your pets with the right tools can reduce shedding and the amount of loose hair in your home. Brush your pets regularly to keep the shedding under control.
  • Washing Pet Bedding: Frequently wash pet bedding and fabrics that collect pet hair in hot water. This helps remove hair and kill any bacteria present.
  • Air Purifiers: Use air purifiers with HEPA filters to improve air quality by capturing pet dander and hair. This is especially useful for people with allergies or asthma.
  • Damp Cleaning Methods: Mopping hard floors with water or using a damp cloth on surfaces can trap and remove pet hair more effectively than dry methods.

Carpe Diem Cleaning

Let us help you keep up with keeping your home clean. We offer weekly and monthly cleanings, deep cleaningsmove-in cleaning servicesand pop-in cleanings to help you keep your home clean year-round.

Contact us today for a free home cleaning quote. We proudly serve Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Chapel Hill, and the surrounding area.

Commonly Asked Questions About Pet Hair

What are the health concerns associated with pet hair accumulation in the home?


Pet dander, often found in pet hair, can trigger allergic reactions in some people. Symptoms include sneezing, itching, and congestion. Regular cleaning helps minimize these reactions.

Asthma Aggravation

For individuals with asthma, pet dander and fur can exacerbate respiratory symptoms and even trigger asthma attacks. Keeping your home clean can help mitigate these risks.

Bacterial Growth

Accumulated pet hair can become a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to infections in both pets and humans. Cleaning pet hair regularly helps prevent this.

Air Quality

Excess pet hair can reduce overall air quality, leading to respiratory issues. Keeping your home clean ensures better indoor air quality.

How often should pet hair be cleaned to maintain a healthy home environment?

For most surfaces, cleaning pet hair weekly to bi-weekly is recommended to maintain a healthy environment. High-traffic areas and places where pets spend a lot of time may require more frequent cleaning.

By addressing these concerns and following these cleaning methods, you can ensure a healthier, happier home for both you and your pets. Regular maintenance is key to keeping pet hair under control and minimizing health risks.

How to remove pet hair from the air?

Keeping pet hair from circulating in the air is vital for maintaining a clean home and reducing allergen levels. Here are some effective strategies to manage airborne pet hair:

  • Use Air Purifiers: Invest in high-quality air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters. These filters are designed to capture microscopic particles, including pet hair and dander, effectively improving air quality.
  • Regular Ventilation: Ensure your home is well-ventilated by opening windows and using exhaust fans. This helps to disperse and remove airborne pet hair more efficiently.
  • Vacuum HVAC Filters: Regularly check and vacuum the filters in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Clean filters are more effective in trapping pet hair and preventing it from recirculating through your home.
  • Install Air Vents: Use vent covers with built-in filters to trap pet hair before it enters your HVAC system. Clean these covers frequently to maintain optimal airflow and filtration.
  • Clean Ceiling Fans: Dust and pet hair can accumulate on ceiling fan blades, which then spread particles throughout the room when the fan is in use. Clean the blades regularly to minimize this effect.

By incorporating these practices, you can significantly reduce the amount of pet hair in the air, leading to a fresher and healthier living space.

Stop Spending Your Weekends Cleaning

Seize a clean day and enjoy doing what you love. Schedule a cleaning today and get 10% off your first cleaning with the code: