Anniversary Interviews with Teresa, Veronica and Angelica

This is Daly, Carpe Diem’s Branch Manager, checking in today with an interview of Teresa, Veronica and Angelica on their anniversaries with Carpe Diem!

How did you start at Carpe Diem?
A manager who used to work here referred me to the company.

What do you like about working at Carpe Diem?
I love cleaning and being able to help others in my work.

Any advice for preparing your home for a cleaning?
If you put your pets away during cleanings, you will get an even deeper clean.


As of this month, Teresa has been with us for 6 years.  We appreciate how she is very particular with her work and loves making sure her clients are satisfied.  She is a team leader who takes pride in a job well done. 

How did you start at Carpe Diem?
A manager who used to work here referred me, and it’s been a great fit!

What do you like about working at Carpe Diem?
I love all of my coworkers who I get to work with each day. I really appreciate the friendly work environment at Carpe Diem.

Any advice for preparing your home for a cleaning?
It’s always helpful when clients pick up clothes from beds and the floor before we arrive at their home.

As of this month, Veronica has been with us for 3 years.  We appreciate her kind spirit and how she responds in excellence when receiving feedback.  She is a very loving team leader.

How did you start at Carpe Diem?
I walked in and applied, and the rest is history!

What do you like about working at Carpe Diem?
I love being able to work Monday through Friday, and I love cleaning.

Any advice for preparing your home for a cleaning?
Try to pick up your home in general and your surfaces in particular for an even deeper clean.

As of this month, Angelica has been with us for 9 years.  We appreciate how much of a blessing she is to all of us.  She is always willing to work hard and go above and beyond for her team. We have loved having you as a member of our teams for the year!

Our ladies can help keep your home clean year-round! Call us 919-682-5326 for more information on house cleaning in Chapel Hill!