Anniversary Interview with Rosa

This is Daly, Carpe Diem’s Branch Manager, checking in today with an interview of Rosa on her 1-year anniversary with Carpe Diem!

How did you start at Carpe Diem?

A friend of an employee referred me.

What do you like about working at Carpe Diem? 

I really appreciate the fact that I have enough time to take care of my kids in the morning and can come in at a later time.


Any advice for preparing your home for a cleaning?

It helps us when clients put away their pets before we come in for a cleaning.

As of this month, Rosa has been with us for 1 year.  We appreciate her positive attitude and how she is always smiling.  Rosa lives here in Durham, and we are so glad to have such a responsible employee as part of our cleaning teams.  We have loved having you as a member of our teams for the past year!

Our ladies can help keep your home clean year-round! Call us for more information on house cleaning in Chapel Hill!