We have a new service! A Pop-In Cleaning, where we clean, disinfect, and sanitize ONLY your kitchen and bathrooms. It is quick, so that makes it lower in cost. It is easy to schedule, and it is perfect for your in-between cleaning needs – learn more on our website. Please tell a neighbor, friend, or co-worker who hasn’t had the gift of having someone else clean their home.

Our office will be closed Thursday, Dec 24th, and Friday, Dec 25th, and Jan 1st so that our teams can enjoy their families for the holidays.
We have two Saturdays in December open for your holiday cleaning needs.
Saturday 12/12 and 12/19, you can book a maintenance cleaning or a pop-in cleaning. These cleanings will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Tips for Holiday Tipping
Tips are not considered mandatory in the house cleaning industry but are an essential part of your team’s income. Housecleaning is part of the service industry, like hairstylists and restaurant servers. It is entirely up to you to decide whether to tip, based on your budget and the quality of the service you have received.
Many clients choose to give a special holiday bonus as a “thank you” to their team; this is done quickly through our office. Just let us know, and we will add your tip to your invoice. You can also leave a marked envelope of cash on your counter. Holiday bonuses typically range between $25-$100 per team member.

Thanks to our friends at WRAL, we have some recommendations for Christmas Light events for you and your family.

You can contact our office anytime, and we are here to serve you and answer any question or concern. On behalf of all of us at the Carpe Diem Family, we wish you and yours a healthy, happy, and safe holiday season. We are grateful for you and we appreciate you!