Inclement Weather Policy
It’s hard to believe that we could get snow this year with the warm weather we’ve been enjoying! Whatever comes this winter, it’s good to be prepared.
We often follow Durham County Schools’ closings when inclement weather occurs to keep our teams safe. Occasionally schools may close, and we may operate with our regular business hours if it is safe to do so. We will always send out an email with updates to clients who have a cleaning scheduled for that day.
Here’s a quick summary of our Inclement Weather Policy:
In the event of inclement weather, our Main Office and Southpoint Office will follow the Durham county schools for closings and delays, and our Cary-Apex office will follow the Wake County school system. School system closures are determined by the safety of bus routes. This provides a good indicator to us for both the safety of our crews coming to work from their own homes, as well as the safety of the routes to our clients’ homes.
Our route schedules will also follow the local schools for whatever county they are in. For example, if Durham schools are open but Orange County schools are closed, the Carpe Diem office in Durham will be open, but we will not be servicing homes in Orange County.
For a complete explanation of our Inclement Weather Policy, you can refer to our blog post.
You can also “Like” our Facebook page where we’ll be posting information about delays and closings.
Prepping your Home for Snow
In North Carolina, we never know what to expect from the weather, especially in the winter! Some years we have lots of snow and ice and power outages, and during other years we barely have a snowflake. Scroll to the bottom of this post for the link to a Winter Home Maintenance Checklist to get your home ready for snow and ice.
Serious Snow Prepping
Worried about possibly being without power for a few days if a snow or ice storm hits? Buy gas heater or generator and have everything on hand and set up in advance. Make sure that you have a thorough knowledge of safety hazards around a gas heater as it can be a serious fire hazard if used incorrectly.
Never leave a gas heater unattended, and keep it clear of any fire hazards, such as curtains and blankets. If you have never had a generator set up before, have an electrician come to your home ahead of time to set it up so that you know that it is functioning correctly.
During the Snow Storm

If your car is parked outside, do yourself a favor and put your windshield wipers up and cover with old tube socks. This prevents your wipers from sticking to your windshield and saves them from the ice and snow. If temperatures drop below 25 degrees F, turn your faucets to just a drip so that your pipes don’t freeze. If your pipes freeze in the winter, wrap your pipes in newspaper, towels or rags as needed. Then warm them with a hair dryer if they freeze.
Make sure that you have charged electronics as needed if there is a threat of snow or ice before there is a power outage. If you lose power, unplug important electrical equipment to avoid ruining it in a power surge when power is restored.
Click here to download the FREE Winter Home Maintenance Checklist!
Hopefully, we’ll have safe and happy snow days this year, and with these tips, you’re sure to have a peaceful rather than stressed snow day!