The Amazing Sh-mop

Are you ready to get the musty winter smells out of your house and get a jump start on spring cleaning?  The Sh-mop will give you back your fresh, clean floors just in time for spring!

The Amazing Sh-Mop

The Amazing Sh-Mop! | Carpe Diem CleaningIf you love your Swiffer but are looking for something more eco-friendly, you’ve got to check out the Sh-mop!

The Sh-mop is easy to use and reuse — simply toss the reuseable mop cover into the washing machine and you’ve got a fresh mop.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the amazing Sh-mop!

At Carpe Diem we love the Sh-mop! It helps us clean your hard-surfaced floors easily and effectively, and since the mop cover is removable we’re able to use fresh covers in every house.

Unlike with disposable mops, you can control the fragrances and chemicals that come into your home when you use the Sh-mop. We love using a mixture of vinegar and essential oils to clean your floors because it’s a green solution.

You can give us a call 919-682-5326, or shoot us an email to schedule your cleaning in Raleigh today!